Ethical Trading Policy

1.      Policy Statement
            R H Claydon Ltd believe strongly in ethical principles and good stewardship.
            As a socially responsible business our suppliers and customers have a right to expect:
  • Products sourced by RH Claydon Ltd are produced under working conditions that are hygienic and safe.
  • All employees are treated with full consideration to their basis human rights.
  • RH Claydon acts in an ethical manner to meet its legal obligations.

2.        Ethical Trading Code

2.1       All employment is freely chosen.
2.2       Working conditions are safe and hygienic.
2.3       Child labour is not used.
2.4       Wages are fair and comparable to industry standard and will always meet or exceed minimum wage.
2.5       Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted.
2.6       Working hours are not excessive.
2.7       No discrimination is practised.
2.8       Regular employment is provided for those who are employed on a permanent contract.
2.9       No harsh, cruel or degrading treatment or practices are allowed.
2.10    No bribery, corruption, blackmailing or bullying is permitted.
2.11    No restrictions, as a way of guaranteeing business are allowed.

Modern Slavery Policy

1.     Overview and how we define Modern Slavery
1.1      Slavery, forced labour, servitude, and human trafficking are types of ‘Modern Slavery’ – criminal activity that deprives victims of their
           liberty and usually involves financial and other exploitation.

1.2      We conduct our business fairly, ethically and with respect to fundamental human rights. We are committed to the prevention of all forms
           of Modern Slavery, both in our business and in our supply chains. We will not tolerate it.
1.3      You must read and comply with this policy if you work for, or on behalf of us in any capacity including as: an employee, director, supplier
           or service provider.
1.4      Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal, or termination of the contract between you and us.
           It could also involve other legal steps being taken against you. 
1.5      Our Anti-Slavery Officer (‘ASO’) is Michael Claydon. They are responsible for this policy.
1.6       If you are an employee, this policy does not form part of your employment contract, and we may update it at any time.

2.       Preventing Modern Slavery in our business

2.1       We carry out appropriate checks on all employees, recruitment agencies and suppliers, so that we know who is working for us or on our
2.2      We give every employee a written employment contract, and he or she is paid in accordance with the law. We comply with our legal
           obligations to ensure the health and safety of all of our employees and workers, including in relation to working hours, rest breaks
           and holidays.
2.3      All employees are required to sign a copy of this policy to show they have read and understood it.

3.      If you are one of our Suppliers  

3.1     If you supply us with goods or services, you must assess your business and supply chains and confirm to our ASO that you:  
  •  Comply with your legal obligations, in relation to Modern Slavery; and
  •  Are committed to ensuring there is no Modern Slavery taking place in your business, or in any of your supply chains. 
           You must also provide a copy of your anti-slavery policy.

3.2      If you breach this policy, or are found to have Modern Slavery in your business, or knowingly in your supply chain, we may terminate our
           contract with you and pursue legal remedies against you.  

4.     If you are an Employee or a Worker providing services for us
4.1     You must immediately report any suspicions of Modern Slavery in our business or supply chains to our ASO. Our ASO will investigate
          and report to our Board of Directors within a reasonable time, on actions which may require to be taken.
4.2     You will not suffer any detrimental treatment as a result of reporting any genuine concerns, raised in good faith, under this policy. This
          applies, even if after investigation, they are found to be mistaken.  If you believe that you have suffered any such treatment, you should
          immediately tell our ASO and, if you are an employee, refer to our Grievance Policies.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

1.    Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 
​​​​​​       CSR refers to the way in which businesses regulate themselves in order to ensure that all of their activities positively affect society as a
         whole. CSR policies aim to guarantee that companies work ethically, considering human rights as well as the social, economic
         and environmental impacts of what they do as a business. Businesses should meet, and aim to exceed, any relevant legislation, and if
         legislation does not exist in a particular area, the company should ensure they carry out best practices anyway.
         RH Claydon Ltd are committed to ensuring that any business undertakings are conducted as ethically as possible by following the below policy.

2.     Who we are and what we do
    Founded by Roy Claydon in 1953, R H Claydon has been providing a nationwide service as a specialist tyre wholesaler for 70 years.
        Originally a local garage and petrol station, over time the business diversified and expanded to become a major player in the wholesale
        tyre market.

        Under the leadership of both Roy and Michael Claydon, we have established a reputation for outstanding service. Now with the third
        generation of Claydons driving the company forward, we are adapting to the market with new technology and an outward focus.This
        has enabled us to provide multi-channel ordering for customers and expand our range to include the very latest offering from suppliers.

        As a leading wholesaler, we choose to work with our customers and suppliers to provide the best service in the industry. We stock a
       comprehensive range of brands and products, many of which we have exclusivity on. We cover applications from wheelbarrow
       tyres up to earthmover, including agricultural tyres, ATV, Truck, Car and more. In addition to this we offer a full range of tubes all
       available for next day delivery.

       Our B2B web based system can be accessed from mobile phones, tablets and computers maximizing our customers’ ability to view
       our product range, prices, images and key legislative information. Orders can be placed online any time up to 7am for same
       weekday delivery. Alternatively you can phone, email or WhatsApp orders to our sales team for next day delivery.
       Products are supplied to the tyre trade from our network of eight strategically placed regional warehouses across the UK, using our
      own fleet of vehicles to provide an unrivalled next working day or same day delivery service.
       Our philosophy at R H Claydon is simple. We are your partner and not your competitor. It is in line with this customer driven ethos
       that the company continues to grow its market share, offering reliable and efficient service, to satisfy your tyre needs.

3.    Looking after Employees  

To retain loyal and productive staff, it is vital to maintain a good working environment.
  • We are an Equal Opportunities Employer as per the Human Rights Act 2010.
  • We adhere to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
  • Health and safety policies, risk assessments & procedures are in place for all our staff and branches.
  • Staff are given appropriate training, appraisals and personal development.
  • Clear communication with all staff via email correspondence and quarterly staff newsletter.
  • All staff are paid correctly and on time, wages meet/ exceed the National Minimum/ Living Wage, all employees get opted into pension, scheme with company contribution.
  • All staff have free access to WeCare. A UK based online GP, mental health counselling, get fit program, legal and financial guidance, plus much more.
4. Looking after Customers  

It is so important to look after our customers.
  • Each customer is give a 2 hour delivery slot, with 90% of deliveries being made within this time slot.
  • Next day delivery service to all our customers (excluding Highlands & Island).
  • Same day delivery service if order on our B2B service up to 7am.
  • B2B ordering available to all our customers.
  • Each customer has their own dedicated business development manager.
5. Suppliers’ Standards  

We ensure that we use reputable suppliers and maintain a good long term working relationship with them.
  • We request our overseas suppliers to confirm that they do not use forced labour or child labour.
  • We use any local overhead suppliers where possible.
  • We are committed to paying our suppliers properly and on time.
  • We are committed to clear communication with suppliers.
6. Protecting the Environment  

We are committed to reducing the environmental impact that our business activities may have.:
  • We import some tyres that are now made from bio-sourced and recycled materials that include pure natural rubber, highly dispersible silica, recycled carbon black and reclaimed rubber from used tyres. The use of bio-sourced and recycled materials reduces the tyre’s carbon footprint.
  • All of our waste tyres are collected by companies licensed by the Environment Agency as waste tyre processors. 100% of the waste tyres are recycled into other products such as equestrian chip, tyre bales & eco play bark.
  • Our general waste is sorted into recyclable and non recyclable.
  • Any company vehicles should be as energy efficient as possible.
7. Community Engagement  

As a business we support local communities:
  • Donating to 8 local foodbanks every year.
  • Donating footballs, rugby balls, colouring books and pens to local schools and hospitals.
  • Donating second hand office furniture.
